
Firstly, many thanks to Douglas Peterson, Nikhil Bangera, Walt Stoneburner, and James Lumsden who patiently guided me through my first book. I would also like to thank the following people from the Singapore Ruby Brigade who contributed comments and reviews on this book as well as general support: Peter Bohm, Chew Choon Keat, Herryanto Siatono, Johan Gozali, Jeffrey Lim, Wong Keng Onn, and many others from the 'last Thursday of the month' sessions. Grateful thanks also to Mech, Watt, and Simon for their good support and general cheerleading in Rails and non-Rails related matters. Special thanks to Sebastien Guillaud and all those people in Welcome Real-time who believed that I can run software development center, write a book, and go home in time to tutor my son.

Final thanks to the love of my life, Wooi Ying, who suffered my erratic 'nightlife' huddling in front of my laptop, creating software and writing this book, and also to Kai Wen for just being my son.