Preparing your project

There are three quick items to take care of before we start drawing. To begin the preparation, go through the following steps:

  1. Since we will design our game to use landscape screen orientations, we will have to disable the portrait view altogether:
  2. With your game project open in Xcode, select the overall Project folder in the project navigator (the uppermost item).
  3. You will see your project settings in the main frame of Xcode. Under Deployment Info, find the Device Orientation section.
  4. Uncheck the Portrait option, as shown in the following screenshot:
    Preparing your project
  5. We need to resize our scene to fit the new landscape view. Follow these steps to resize the scene:
    1. Open GameViewController.swift from the project navigator and locate the viewDidLoad function inside the GameViewController class. The viewDidLoad function is going to fire before the game realizes it is in landscape view, so we need to use a function that fires later in the startup process. Delete viewDidLoad completely, removing all of its code.
    2. Replace viewDidLoad with a new function named viewWillLayoutSubviews. Do not worry about understanding every line right now; we are just configuring our project. Use this code for viewWillLayoutSubviews:
      Override func viewWillLayoutSubviews() { 
      if let view = self.view as! SKView? { 
                          // Load the SKScene from 'GameScene.sks' 
      if let scene = SKScene(fileNamed: "GameScene") { 
                              // Set the scale mode fit the window: 
      scene.scaleMode = .aspectFill
                              // Size our scene to fit the view exactly: 
      scene.size = view.bounds.size
                              // Show the new scene: 
      view.ignoresSiblingOrder = true 
      view.showsFPS = true 
      view.showsNodeCount = true 
    3. Lastly, in GameViewController.swift, find the supportedInterfaceOrientations function and reduce it to this code:
      Override var supportedInterfaceOrientations:  
      UIInterfaceOrientationMask { 
      return .landscape 


    Downloading the example code: You can download the example code files from your account at for all the Packt books you have purchased. If you have purchased this book elsewhere, you can visit and register to have the files emailed directly to you. Additionally, each chapter provides checkpoint links that you can use to download the example project to that point.

  6. We should double-check that we are ready to move on. Try to run your clean project in the simulator using the toolbar play button or the command + R keyboard shortcut. After loading, the simulator should switch to landscape view with a blank gray background (and with the node and FPS counter at the bottom right). If the project will not run, or you still see "Hello, World", you will need to retrace your steps from the end of Chapter 1, Designing Games with Swift, namely, the section called Cleaning up, to finish your project preparation.

The following screenshot shows the output so far:

Preparing your project


Checkpoint 2-A

I will provide checkpoints for each chapter. They are available in each chapter's code resources directory. I hope this will help you move forward if you are stuck or want to check your code against mine.