Installing a plugin manually

Sometimes, your plugin is not available online, or a standard installation fails, so you need to install your plugin manually.

Getting ready

You need an ElasticSearch server installed.

How to do it...

We assume that your plugin is named awesome and it's packed in a file called

Perform the following steps to execute a manual installation:

  1. Copy your ZIP file to the plugins directory of your ElasticSearch home installation.
  2. If the directory named plugins doesn't exist, create it.
  3. Unzip the contents of the plugin to the plugins directory.
  4. Remove the zip archive to clean up unused files.

How it works...

Every ElasticSearch plugin is contained in a directory (usually, named as the plugin's name). If it is of the site plugin type, the plugin should contain a directory called _site, which contains the static files that must be served by the server. If the plugin is a binary one, the plugin directory should be filled with one or more .jar files.

When ElasticSearch starts, it scans the plugins directory and loads the plugins.


If a plugin is corrupted or broken, the server won't start.