
AB       Annales de Bourgogne

AHR       American Historical Review

AM       Annales du Midi

AN       Annales de Normandie

Annales ESC   Annaleséconomiessociétéscivilisations

BBCS      Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies

BEC       Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes

BIHR      Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research

BJRL      Bulletin of the John Rylands Library

BJRULM     Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Mancheter

BL       British Library

BZ       Byzantinische Zeitschrift

DBI       Dizionario biografico degli Italiani

DOP       Dumbarton Oaks Papers

EconHR      Economic History Review

EETS      Early English Text Society

EHR      English Historical Review

HJ       Historical Journal

HZ       Historische Zeitschrift

IHS      Irish Historical Studies

JHI      Journal of the History of Ideas

JMedH     Journal of Medieval History

JModH     Journal of Modern History

JWCI      Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes

MA       Le moyen âge

NH       Northern History

NLWJ      National Library of Wales Journal

PBA      Proceedings of the British Academy

P P      Past Present

RH      Revue historique xxi

RHS         Royal Historical Society

RQ      Renaissance Quarterly

RS       Rolls Series

SATF      Société des Anciens Textes Français

SHF       Société de I'Histoire de France

SHR     Scottish Historical Review

STS       Scottish Text Society

THSC     Transactions of the Honourable Society of Gymmrodorion

TRHS     Transactions of the Royal Historical Society

WHR     Welsh History Review