
Inheritance and Development


Name of TCM Hall of LI’s family: Multi-life Hall



LI Peisan, grandfather of LI Dingzhong, who was the fifth successor of the“Multi-life Hall”, being the famous aged doctor in our country, whose name was recorded in the History and Archive of Liaoning province. This portrait was taken at his eightieth birthday.From Li Dingzhong’s childhood, having received the love and cultivation by his grand father, Professor LI got profound benefit. His grand father attached importance especially to the cultivation of moral behavior, curtsey, following family rules and emphasizing respecting old, concerning young generation and concerning poor people. LI Peisan’s grand father LI Guotai established vaccine (cowpox) bureau Great Bachelor of Imperial College, then during the prevalent period of variola (pox), LI Peisan succeeded and developed this career, cultivated the pox- protective medicine by himself and did a lot of therapeutic work. He made the family instruction:“develop the national essence, be cherish, both protect and cure diseases, strengthen health and sport for long life, save people, hand down to posterity, to successive generations and do favour to the world”.


LI Jingzhi, father of LI Dingzhong, was the sixth successor of the“Multi-life Hall”, being the famous aged doctor in our country.This portrait was taken at his ninety-ninth birthday. As TCM chief docter and professor as well as an expert of the faculties of Hypertension, coronary heart disease and cardio-blood vessel diseases, he has obtained outstanding achievement and got good estimation.


The old and precious medicine of our motherland being connected with computers will go on a way of modernization, thus to service for all patients.


Plaque with manuscript written by LI Jingzhi


The former director of the Ministry of Health of P. R. C.HU Ximing and Professor LI Dingzhong


Professor MENG Zhaowei and Professor BAO Jingzhen, the famous meridian experts in“Key project of Seventh Five Year Plan”with Professor LI Dingzhong and his wife


Professor LI Dingzhong participated in the review meeting for executing situation of the topic of meridian research in the National Climbing Plan


In 1999, two years anniversary of Hong Kong back to China, Professor LI Dingzhong participated in the voluntary diagnostics group organized by the former Ministry of Health of China


WANG Xuetai, the life long honorary chairman of the World Federation Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS) and his wife together with Professor LI Dingzhong and his wife


Professor LI Dingzhong participated in International Workshop on Meridian and Tendon-sinews


The great master of the traditional Chinese medicine HE Puren and the famous expert of acupuncture JIN Baihua with Professor LI Dingzhong


Professor LI Dingzhong participated in the assembly of Alumnus of Peking University